As it's not finished and so much has happened this is the first part of our summer vacation. It certainly has been eventful. The day after Jim's birthday we drove to NC to see my Uncle Larry. We usually go in the Spring but the last time we did it was still snowing and my mom didn't like that.
The weather was gorgeous, as always, but soon after we arrived James busted his chin open on the stone steps. I felt awful but, as always, my mom was there to take us to the hospital, hold my hand, and be the level headed one, whereas I'm trying not to cry because my baby is hurt and bleeding... I hate that helpless feeling! But alas after an hour and two stitches later they send us home. (Didn't I say that it's a miracle that James made it to 2 with no stitches?!) He has no fear! Even after the stitches he still climbed the ladder on the bunk beds to play with Kalib and Kevin. We had to lock the door and only allow him in there at bedtime! He was much more cautious around the steps though, thank goodness.
It amazes me how different Kevin and James are! Even at this age! For the Fourth of July we hung out with my Aunt Ramona and Uncle Duane. We had sparklers and watched Uncle Larry's neighbors shoot some fireworks off of their driveway. James chased after the kids with the sparklers and he ran toward the neighbor's house to get a better look at their fireworks! Kevin hated fireworks until he was four! Then Oliver convinced him that they were cool and now he does enjoy them... But he definitely didn't run towards them to get a better look!
After the Fourth of July we drove to Pennsylvania to see our cousins Bekah, Heath, and their baby Adam. Angela and her kids were already there because Oliver and Kennedy were both accepted into Dance Camps. Kevin, James, and I stayed with my best friend from the fifth grade, Jenn and her family. Of course, we also got to visit with Emma who is pregnant with her first child!
We all had a lot of fun! It was a bummer that Jim couldn't be with us though. He stayed behind building shelves, hanging out with Julius, and going to work. However, we called and skyped with each other at least once a day. When we got back home James was so happy to see his daddy that he hugged him and would not let go for at least five minutes. Of course, Kevin really missed him too and towards the end of our trip talked of nothing else but wrapping Jim in a giant hug before he did anything else.
Here are some things we did on our trip...
Kids hanging out in the bedroom once we got to Larry's...
After he got stitches in his chin |
My mom and I took the boys to a place where they got to do bumper boats...
Go carts...
And miniature golf.
My dad enjoys history so one day we went to the Kings Mountain National Military Park.
We packed a picnic and went on a hike.
The Fourth of July -
We went to Shelby Park where they had an indoor DJ, bouncy houses, and games. The kids also got to ride the train and the carousel.
All the fun wore him out |
After the park and Aunt Ramona's we went back to Uncle Larry's for dinner, smores, sparklers, and fireworks.
Our first outing was to Olive Garden. Jim doesn't really care for it but Kevin and I both love it ❤
Jenn thinned out Kevin's hair
We got to meet Adam...
And here is James happy to be home with daddy ❤
So as you can see it was a ton of fun but we're glad to be back home with our Jimbob ❤