Hard to believe you're turning 11! Seems like just yesterday you were this little squishy baby! Before you were born I was so worried that I wasn't ready for you, but when I heard you cry I knew then that I'd walk through fire for you ❤ I never believed in love at first sight until they put you in my arms. ❤
I love you so much! It's crazy to think that you're turning 11 because I feel like I've known you all my life ❤ I swear you're a piece of my heart, a piece of my soul; you were a part of me before you were you ❤
I know I haven't always been the best mom and I've made some bad decisions but it was never intentional... I was and am still learning; forgive me but you didn't come with a pamphlet. From every mistake I like to think that I have grown and become a better mother for you. You and James are my greatest joys and I try to let my actions show that whenever time and money allows. ❤
I want so much for you to have a better childhood than I did, to have many more memories, and for you to accomplish all your dreams. I know that you don't always enjoy our talks but I want you to be safe and informed. Again I'd walk through fire for you and comfort you whenever you are in need. ❤
It's been an honor to watch you grow and overcome your challenges. I've seen you grow from an awkward, shy little boy into a tall, outgoing, and funny young man. You are becoming more and more articulate every day, you know when to make a joke (and a good one), and you no longer have problems interacting with kids your age and making friends. ❤
I love you so much more than I know how to put into words. Your wisdom and big heart go beyond your years! I remember when you were 3 and I had the stomach flu you hugged me and said "I'm sorry you hurt". To this day you pick up on the energy in the room and seek out to comfort those that are hurting. I've not only seen it but your teachers have confirmed it as well. ❤
Every day with you is an adventure that I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world. I love hearing your stories or creating stories with you like we did in Tampa. I wouldn't ever change you but sometimes I wish I could change the world for you so it would be the safer, more affordable world that you think it is. ❤
May you always keep your wonder, your trusting nature, your big heart, and your humor. I want nothing more than for you to be happy and successful. May all your dreams come true this year and the many years that follow. ❤ I love you, kid. ❤ You make me proud to be your mother each and every day. ❤
Happy almost 11th Birthday, my dear Kevin ❤ May this birthday be all that you hope and wish it to be. ❤