No one gets married and expects it to end in divorce. We all think that it will last forever and I was no different. However, that's what happened with my ex and I. Now I'm happily married to my best friend and my soul mate. We just celebrated our sixth year anniversary! To look at where we are I often think about where we've been.
Jim and I were best friends in high school. Each obsessed with Dragon Ball Z. He used to give me a ride home from school in a little blue Honda and we'd crank up the stereo and blast Metallica ❤
His family moved after our sophomore year to Deland and life went on so we lost touch. Then one day after my senior year we bumped into each other at Walmart, of all places. We dated for a bit but were too young and immature to make things work. Again we were separated. I married someone else and so did he.
He and I were separated when we found each other again. I wasn't looking for anything, just a friend but I found everything I had ever wanted in Jim. He was my light in the darkness and saved me from my pit of despair.
When he asked me to marry him I really thought we were going to be one of those lame couples that were engaged, but never married. Once my divorce was final I told Jim that I never wanted to get remarried. I thought my first marriage would be my only one, but I was wrong. I didn't want to get hurt again. However, Jim shows me every day that he's not my ex.
He calls me every day from work, he kisses me goodnight and good morning, he does whatever he can for our boys and I. He understands me better than any other guy I have ever been with and we always have fun dates.
I knew I had found a winner when Kevin adored him. Kids have always been a reliable source of when to trust someone or not. Kevin and Jim took to each other right away ❤ Now not only does Kevin love him but so does my family and friends ❤
How blessed I am to have Jim in my life ❤ I seriously didn't know how good my life would get when Jim and I started dating once again ❤ Thank you for choosing me, Jim and for continually choosing me every day ❤ Thank you for the past 6 years and may we have 100 more 🍻 I love you forever and always! ❤