So the Lord does not bestow upon us anything that we cannot handle... I have been reflecting upon this all week. In our moments of weakness we often find strength beyond our own... Sometimes the Lord gives us something to help make our trials more bearable as well. I have found these things to be true...
Jim and I have had a great trial placed before us and on our way to church last Sunday I kept thinking, "The Lord places no obstacle before us that we cannot conquer," it was as if it was on repeat in my mind. I felt the Spirit advising me to share this with my husband, however, I couldn't find the words and so I prayed for help.
The Lord answered my prayer as the missionaries came over after church. We watched the video "Only a Stonecutter", which is an amazing film about John Rowe Moyle. He was a stonecutter who walked twenty-two miles from Alpine to Salt Lake City, Utah where he worked on the temple. When he was at home he would help with the chores on the farm and one of the chores included milking the cow. One day while he was milking the cow the cow kicked John's leg so hard that he got a compound fracture. The doctors thought it best to amputate his leg below the knee. Many people would have gave up his task at this point, but John Rowe Moyle made himself a prosthetic leg out of wood with an articulating ankle. Then he continued the twenty-two mile walk from Alpine to the Salt Lake City temple. What an amazing testimony he must have had! I can only imagine the pain that he endured while he walked those 22 miles each week!
So at the end of the video the missionaries asked, "What did you gather from that video?" To which I replied, "He had amazing faith and love for the Lord!" Following that Kevin read a verse from 1 Nephi 3:7 "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
I know that God always answers our prayers whether they're what we want to hear or not but Sunday night I was just in awe. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your patience and allowing the missionaries come to our home and help Jim and I understand more about faith, trials, and enduring to the end. I pray that we will always remember this lesson and remain faithful til the end. Thank you <3
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