Also, Spring Break was this week and we had such fun! Kevin got to go to the zoo, the beach, and on Friday we went to Disney for the whole day! I love these times when we get to spend time together as a family and start making memories with our children.
Kevin got to ride Rockin' Roller and Splash Mountain for the first time! He was so excited and anxious at first but once he got on the ride he couldn't keep from laughing and as we were walking away he said, "Again, again, again, again!"
I can't believe how fast time flies! I remember when he was around 3 and even 5 he did not enjoy riding new rides and would cry throughout the line. However, he still is not fond of The Haunted Mansion. I told him to rest his head on my lap. I told him there's nothing to be afraid of because it's not real, but it's also okay to be afraid. I told him when I was a kid I didn't like The Haunted Mansion either. I used to ride it with my parents and would hide my face on my dad's lap.
I'm so thankful for my son. I'm so thankful that God granted me with this miracle. He is absolutely beautiful, handsome, smart, kind, thoughtful, and funny. Everything that any other mother would envy and want in a son. I truly believe that he was sent to save me. Before him I was a very negative person. Now Kevin is my heart and he is what motivates me to be a better/stronger person.
Hard to believe he's going to be seven in a few weeks! How fast time flies! Once he was my little baby who I would sing and rock to sleep. Now he's my little dude that I read to and every once in a while sing to to see him smile. He has an amazing imagination just like his mommy :)
Kevin, I love you each and every day! From the time I found out I was pregnant with you! I knew I wanted you forever and was so anxious to meet you! As I am epileptic, however, I was so worried about you and because of a mini-seizure I was induced. Ten hours later I got to hold, hug, kiss, and see you for the first time.

There are no words to describe how much I love you and how much I appreciate you. You are the driving force behind your mommy that keeps her going! Your smile and kind words brighten up all my dark days. Kevin, your mommy loves you for now and for always!
I hope I get to witness your growth as you become a young adult and into a man. I hope I also get to see you marry a sweet girl who treats you with respect and love. I hope she encourages you to become a better man for she sees your potential. I hope she treats you with love and respect as she sees how blessed she is to have you as a husband. I hope you both have children and that you might raise them to know God and His plans for us while we're here on Earth.
Kevin, I hope you know how much your mommy loves you! For you are her miracle! I love you with every fiber of my being! Seeing and witnessing you grow is an amazing experience! I wouldn't change it for the world! And I wouldn't change anything about you! You are perfect just the way you are! I love you, Kevinator! May we have many more memories together and more holidays to share!
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