Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Goodbye Elementary Years

I'm feeling a little nostalgic today. Kevin graduates from elementary school and will be going to middle school in the Fall. I've seen him really come out of his shell these past few years and make new friends as he became more comfortable with who he is ❤ I love this boy so much ❤ He makes me proud each and every day ❤ I really hope these next seven years go a lot slower ❤ I love you, Kevo ❤ I hope you love Middle School and it's everything you wish it to be ❤

First day of Kindergarten

Last day of Kindergarten with his
teacher, Mrs. Brown

First day of First grade

Kevin and Oliver; Snoopy and Charlie
Brown; Winter performance

Graduated from 2nd grade

Kevin's LegoLand field trip; 3rd grade

The Scarecrow and Tin Man in their
3rd grade Wizard of Oz performance

At the end of 3rd grade

First day of 4th grade
His project on our favorite professional dancer

First day of 5th grade

Ski instructor for Winter

Kevin and Nick after Spring

5th grade Science Fair

Kevin with Ms. Drager

Nathan, Zane, and Kevin;
5th grade field trip to Sea World
Last day of 5th grade

So goodbye elementary school years... At least until James starts Kindergarten in two years.

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