Monday, March 28, 2016

Spring Break 2016

Hard to believe Spring Break has come and gone! It went by so fast! The best part about it was that Jim was able to have time off too! And for our Spring Break we went to Pennsylvania! Sure it was a long drive, especially with a two year old, but it was so much fun! James didn't mind the drive anyway. We left for Pennsylvania in the middle of the night and we got to Emma's  apartment around 3pm the next day.

Once we were there we got to meet her baby Milo, we hung out with Xavier and Jenn one day, Bekah's family one day, and Jessica and Amanda's family one day. It's nice that even though my family moved away from Pennsylvania in 1996 that I still have some good friends there. Besides visiting family and friends my only other requests were to get some bags of Middleswarth Barbecue chips and to eat at OIP, Original Italian Pizza; things that you won't find in Florida.

So we stayed for a week and then made the long drive back down to Florida. We were all sad as our vacation was over too soon but it has such a beautiful scenery and it's home to some of our favorite friends and family; we'll be back. So here's a few pictures from our vacation.

The boys as we were leaving the house.

Stopped for breakfast in NC

Stopped for lunch in Virginia

The beautiful scenery of Pennsylvania
James playing with cousin
Adam's toys

Baby Milo ❤

He has naturally crazy hair!

James loves his cousin Milo

Emma with her Squish

Jim said he looks like Draco
Malfoy here
Harley and Milo; sweet cousins

This was our last day in Pennsylvania. We hung out with Emma and went to OIP for lunch.
James and Jim walking to OIP

Emma and Milo ❤

Lunch at OIP

Sadly all good things must come to an end but I'm grateful we were able to make the trip and visit friends and family. Even more grateful that Jim got to go with us. It was fun reminiscing some of my childhood memories and showing Jim where we used to live. Maybe one day we'll see the sites in Pennsylvania but we didn't have a lot of money for that this trip; But as I said, I'm glad we went. Hanging out with friends and family is always fun. Just sorry I wasn't able to take more pictures.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break as much as we did. ❤

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Purple Day 2016

Once again it is purple day, epilepsy awareness. I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was fifteen years old. I've had it for half of my life. It hasn't always been easy. When these seizures were first happening I was afraid of being called a freak and it was embarrassing to have something take over your body that you couldn't control.

Now that I've had more seizures than I can count I don't get embarrassed. I find it frustrating. I hate that I can't control my limbs, my brain... Things that others take for granted. Even though my seizures are under control I still stutter when I'm exhausted. I still find that embarrassing but I'm grateful that my seizures are under control. I've been seizure free since December 2008. I still see a Neurologist and probably will until my dying day, but I'm grateful for today's technology and scientists. Thankful that all these advances have been made in modern medicine.

However, I still feel as though people don't fully understand epilepsy. That they don't take their time to read up about epilepsy. It's a neurological disorder. Almost everyone knows at least one person affected by epilepsy, whether they suffer silently or openly.

So what should one do if they happen upon someone having a seizure? Stay with them. Make sure they're not going to hurt themselves and if there's a risk then move them from the threat.

One of my seizures happened at a Pizza Hut. I was eating chicken wings beforehand and was sitting in a booth with my family. When I started seizing my family laid me on my side in the booth and timed it. They also told one of the waitresses to call 911. I have no memory of any of this. I was picked up by an ambulance and brought to the ER. However, when I was fully conscious was about 20 minutes after my seizure had taken place. I remember being surrounded by my family in the ER and there was a phone in my hand. Appearantly my family had called my mother and handed me the phone.

It's not uncommon for someone who had a seizure to not have any memory of it and to feel as though they are in a fog. It usually would take me about fifteen to twenty minutes afterward to become fully conscious and aware of my surroundings.

When I had my last seizure it was in my  apartment where I lived with Jim and Kevin. My insurance had lasped and I had not taken my medication in three days. I was lying in bed and my arms were having tremors so I called my mom who was at work. Sometime while I was talking to her I dropped the phone and she knew I was seizing so hung up and called 911.

When I awoke I heard knocking on the door. It was the paramedics, but I didn't recognize them. They were talking to me and asking me questions but they may as well have been talking a different language. I didn't understand them or understand why they were in my apartment. Finally I did understand and they took me to the hospital. At the hospital I was given my anti seizure medication via IV and I haven't had a seizure since then. My husband knows how much I rely on my medication and how it keeps me healthy and alive. He has said before that he'll do whatever it takes to make sure that I have my medication and he has made good on that promise.

However, not all epileptics are as lucky as me. Not everyone's seizures are controlled by medications and so they need service dogs, they can't drive a car, and they are at risk of dying from this neurological disorder. Please be informed. We're just people who long for understanding and compassion. This disorder happened to us and, in most cases, there is no known reason or cause. Once upon a time I wasn't afflicted with this diagnosis and I didn't know what epilepsy was. Now I'm older and I know of people who have this disorder or who have been affected by this diagnosis. Do your part. Be informed. You never know when you might happen upon someone seizing or befriend someone who's epileptic.