Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Enough is enough!

America stands for freedom... but what are we free from? We have free speech so we're not free from bullying. Even as adults. It happens in the workplace or the gas station by complete strangers. Freedom of religion? Sure, but strangers are going to knock on your door to persuade you to join theirs. Freedom to bear arms? Sure. It'll only cost you the lives of your children. Let that sink in for a moment.  The children whose last moments were panic. Their safety stripped away, their bubble broken into because of your pride. Was is it enough? When will it be enough? How many innocent lives must be lost until it's enough? We claim to be prolife but seriously what are we doing to protect our living children? How many more mothers, fathers, siblings, aunts, and uncles need to live in fear before we say enough? When are we all going to agree that this is enough?! It should've been enough yesterday! Last month! The last shooting! So let's start now! Let today be enough! Let's protect our children! Our brother's children! Our sister's children! Our neighbor's children! Let's put aside our differences and say enough is enough! No more guns! Stricter gun laws! We keep saying guns aren't the problem but clearly they are! They're too easily accessible! You can buy them, strip them down, and build your own now. If that doesn't frighten you, it should! There has to be a time when our children are more important than our pride! Let that day be today! Something has gotta change! Let's protect the children! Let's start today by saying enough is enough! Protect the children!

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