Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day 8 - Western Medicine

Lately I have been worrying about the health of a few people that I love. Two of them are the same age I am but their health is  deteriorating, which breaks my heart. I am too far and too broke to help either of them.

So I guess today I am thankful for Western medicine and its ability to help and heal in a way that I can't. Without modern medicine I'm sure that neither of them would've lived this long; nor I for that matter.

I know there's much debate going on about vaccines and medication but the way I see it is that it's kept me alive and my children safe, as well as my ancestors. All I can do is have faith that my loved ones will be healed and find answers for their suffering.

I love you all and I'll always be here to talk or listen. Life isn't always fair, but I wish it was, so I'm thankful for modern medicine because it extends life and gives hope even in the most hopeless of circumstances.

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